Tilda Publishing

HVAC & Appliance Repair

8AM - 8PM

Heating Ventilation

and Air Conditioning:

Minimum Labor Fee is $230 if/when you decide to fix. Labor price depends on how extensive the repair is (equipment location, scope of the issue etc.).

Diagnostics comes FREE with the repair

OLD price $99
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Residential Appliances:

Minimum Labor Fee is $185 if/when you decide to fix. Labor price depends on how extensive the repair is (equipment location, scope of the issue etc.)

Diagnostics comes FREE with the repair

OLD price $85
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  • Sometimes repair requires two-three technicians +$90 each tech per hour (a minimum 2 hours each tech).
  • Jobs higher than 3 1/2 ft will cost you 1.5 coefficient of charge.
  • Discounts cover installations.
  • Minimum Labor Fee – $165 if you decide to fix it.
In 70-80% of cases, as a rule, the breakdown is insignificant and a charge will be about $165-195